Welcome to MKC

Let us grow together

  • professionalism
  • progress
  • trust

The individuals in this firm had a past, have a present and a future. Their hope is that their present and future will have you (…yes you … the consumer of the contents of this website……) in it. They believe that this will bring you ease, as you will be collaborating with individuals, who just like you , had a growth-filled history and brilliant future.

The past:
In the great year of 2009, the founding members met somewhere at Upper Hill, Nairobi County. This meeting happened at a very well-established law firm. They went on to work very well together and after about a long, very long period of four years, they both decided that they would wish to establish an entity that would provide legal services to individuals and businesses. The names of the founding members are Eddah Mwanyumba and Victoria Kariithi, and they went on to form Mwanyumba Kariithi Consulting (MKC), which has been an enlightening and maturing experience for them, their skilled staff and highly supportive clientele.

The present:
In their usual unorthodox style Eddah and Victoria are dynamic lawyers who are providing transformative legal service solutions to Startups, Fintechs, Alternative Finance, Commercial Transactions in Emerging Markets among other areas, in challenging regulatory and operation environment in Kenya. For their clientele, they aim to achieve the most practicable and effective solution, in a highly efficient manner.

The future:
It will be a bright one; full of potential, evolution, partnerships, and adaptability because of our highly supportive clientele. And because of those unknown who we are yet to interact with, and because of the ever-changing legal environment.